Music as Medicine

In the course of time, the human mind has penetrated many mysteries in their essence or mechanism — the rainbow, thunder and lightning, gravity and so on. But they are still mysteries for all of that.
— Johanness Itten 1970
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A simple mystery

Vibrations have the ability to reach us in dynamic ways. The science of sound is a fascinating sort of magic that when invoked in a ritual context may have deep and lasting impact. Creating containers to experience connectivity through sound is a practice that allows for a unique way to engage with the medicine of music, by way of powerful relaxation and integration.

The sound work I do is an extension of my Qi Gong practice and a way for me to find expression of my meditative experiences by channeling the inner terrain into form, through vibration. The prophet 600 polyphonic analogue synthesizer allows me to directly craft the waveforms associated with each note I play by hand on the built in keyboard.

Combining Modalities

Sound bathing stands strong on its own, but when combined with acupuncture, massage, tea, and other tools for wellness cultivation the experience evolves.


Quadraphonic sound modality generates a multidimensional ebb and flow of sonic phenomena, enveloping you in a multidimensional audio and natural landscape and allowing you to truly disappear into an ocean of vibration. This sanctuary of sound will be crafted through a variety of acoustic instruments, field recordings from the surrounding natural environemnt, analog synthesizers, and binaural sources, all woven together to support you in rejuvenation and self-discovery. Take it a layer deeper with the option of receiving acupuncture and gentle bodywork to support the body and nervous system in deeper listening and integration on a core level.


Sound Bathing At Home

You can stream or download my album and bring my recorded music into your home meditative practice. Light a candle, sit quietly, have a bubble bath, meditate, dance, stretch… the possibilities are yours to discover in this medium.

I am available to collaborate or facilitate private events, please reach out!